22 Weeks Study Plan for UPSC Mathematics
Follow this Plan to finish Syllabus in 22 Weeks.
This PLAN tells you the MAXIMUM Amount of TIME to be spent on particular Unit. Example : Linear Algebra is maximum 2 Weeks, Numerical Analysis is maximum 1 week.
Start with ANY TOPIC as per your need . But you MUST FINISH the Unit in maximum prescribed Time. If you are taking LONG Time, which means you are wasting your time.
Do Easy things First. Do Tough Topics like Modern Algebra, Statics, Dynamics in Last.
UPSC Maths Syllabus in Limited. So, Identify the Pattern and Plan it accordingly.
Also Checkout SuccessClap Strategy for UPSC Mathematics and Checklist for UPSC Mathematics.
SuccessClap provides Day wise Quality Study Material to Save Time. Checkout the website.